Fallout 4 more lights mod
Fallout 4 more lights mod

fallout 4 more lights mod

In the case of Fallout 4, these are found (by default) in:Ĭ: > Program Files (x86) > Steam > SteamApps > Common > Fallout 4Ĭ: > Users > My Documents > My Games > Fallout 4Ĭopying these files will ensure that, in the event of a catastrophic failure on your part (or if you just want to start from a clean install), you don't have to download and re-install the game. Do note, however, that these mods may not be compatible with the Fallout 4 Ultra Exterior Lighting mod.The first step to modding any game is to make a backup of all of your games files, including any loose configuration files. Moreover, there is another Fallout 4 mod that adds dynamic lights that cast realistic dynamic shadows in exterior places. Lastly, we also suggest checking out the Fallout 4 Wasteland Illumination Mod that adds 1380 lights to 763 light sources in Boston Commonwealth.

fallout 4 more lights mod

This mod will noticeably improve the visuals of Fallout 4, so we strongly suggest downloading it from here.

fallout 4 more lights mod

This is achieved by not having the shadows rendered where they are not really visible. All these physical lights now have shadow cast lights for them in place of the non-shadow cast ones.įurthermore, almost all the new shadow casts lights use a trigger box that swaps them to their non-shadow cast version at X distance from player depending on the location and other factors.Īs the modder noted, the use of trigger lights allows for better distance lighting and helps improve the performance. Going into more details, the mod enhances around 1500+ physical lights. Therefore, the overall lighting is way better than before, providing a vastly more immersive exterior lighting. The modder has also made vast improvements made to the general lighting associated with physical lights sources. This includes places like Far Harbor and Nukaworld. The Fallout 4 Ultra Exterior Lighting mod adds shadow cast lights to numerous physical light sources in the exterior world.

fallout 4 more lights mod

And today, modder Gargorias released a similar mod for the game’s exterior environments. This mod brought lots of shadow lights and a general improvement to overall lighting, ambience and fog to the interiors of the Commonweatlh, Far Harbor and Nuka World. Back in 2018, we informed you about the Fallout 4 Ultra Interior Lighting mod.

Fallout 4 more lights mod